Do you recognise one of these children?
a teenager who continually breaks the rules
a toddler who demands all your attention
siblings who fight constantly
the bully who pushes others
the whining child who says “I Can’t”
a child wanting to be the centre of attention
a child who gets into power struggles
Challenges facing children and families
The average child receives only 12.5 minutes per day in communication with his/her parents. On the average a child receives 400 negative comments compared to only 32 positive comments per day. In a study of children ages 1-12, the single most important determinant of childrens' self-esteem is the perception of how much they are valued by their parents.
Children create a tremendous challenge for adults. Effective strategies for today’s adult/child relationships can make parenting a lot more fun. Redirecting Children provide successful, easy to use strategies to deal with the stresses in today’s family. Families can be a source of rejuvenation, fun and encouragement. More than communication training, our parenting techniques will improve challenging behaviour while enhancing your child’s self-esteem.
A balanced approach
In our fast-paced society adults and children spend much of their time in separate environments. We all want to make the most of the time we have together. However, it can become difficult for us to give or get what we want from our relationships. We can help you to have the kind of relationship with your children you have dreamed of, and you can help them develop skills to become loving, motivated and successful adults.
What you can gain
reduce arguing, shaming and yelling
feel positive about your parenting skills
effectively promote behaviour changes
establish agreements on discipline within you family
What you will be able to give your children
encourage responsibility & initiative
enhance high self-esteem
develop good decision making skills
encourage resistance to peer pressure
promote cooperation and successful attitudes
Personalised parenting support and advice
Contact Redirecting Children today for an appointment in your home, in our office or via Zoom.
Parenting talks or courses available
You can introduce yourself to our positive parenting principles by arranging a talk or course for your staff, club, organization or friends with a minimum of ten people.
Courses - 6 x 1hr sessions
Redirecting Children's Behaviour 6 session course
Positive Discipline Parenting 6 session course
Workshops - 1-2 hours
Balancing love and discipline
Taking care of tantrums
Sibling rivalry
Creating a happy family
Taking care of teens
Supporting your child at school
Handling bedtime
What kids need most
Parent Q and A
Wait until your father gets home
Child and Family Counselling
One-on-one or group counselling is available by appointment to give your child or family the support they need to be the best they can be.
Get the results you want
modelling mutual respect
enhancing your child's self-esteem