Successful parenting - it is possible?
I am constantly looking at ways to let more and more parents know that they are not alone and that with some simple strategies in place all parents can enjoy raising their family and have peace and love to dominate their family's everyday interactions.
Throughout the parenting journey you will of course come across situations in which you won't know what to do. These are the times when you will need to go out and find the answers. That means finding what strategies will work for you and your family.
A good guide is to consider every rule or strategy that you are thinking of putting in place in light of whether that teaches your child how to be in the world outside of the home as well as inside the home. For example, if I allow my children to overpower each other by shouting will they then think it is okay to do that with their peers at school. If the answer is yes they will probably try that at school and you don't want them to act that way with others therefore you need to put strategies in place that will redirect their negative actions into positive ones that will build their skills for the future.
It's not difficult to make positive changes in any area of parenting. IT IS POSSIBLE and it can make enormous differences to your family life. Our children will always be trying to fulfil their need for a strong sense of belonging, empowerment and love. Even as adults we are constantly trying to fulfil those same needs. It becomes our responsibility as parents and adults to create an environment that encourages our children to find positive ways to achieve those needs and wants.
Every strategy that I teach will help build the most important life skills in children in a firm and kind way without causing shame or hurt. Yes you can be firm and kind at the same time using natural and logical consequences that don't come across as punishment or retribution. You can teach your child what they need to know to be great adults without building resentment or breaking connections.
So my message is that successful parenting is possible. You too can enjoy your parenting journey. Just put your hand up and start asking. Don't fall into the trap of using humour or playing the victim to justify accepting how it is. Don't listen to anyone else. If you are not happy about yourself as a parent then neither will your family be. Read up, find a parenting course, talk to experts, google the research.
The solution is in you and how determined you will be to make that change. I for one know you can.